What you need to know about Cataracts…

What is a cataract? Within our eyes, we have a transparent disc, called a crystalline lens. This lens transmits and focuses incoming light towards the back of the eye, the retina, to help us develop an image. When this lens becomes cloudy it is called a cataract. As a cataract grows larger over time, and […]

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration? Age-related macular degeneration, often indicated as AMD, is an eye disease that affects your central vision. The macula is the central part of the retina located at the back of the eye. It is responsible for detailed vision. With macular degeneration, you will lose the ability to see things directly […]

How do I know if I have Glaucoma?

You may have heard of glaucoma but are you aware of how glaucoma affects your eye health and vision? Over 450,000 Canadians are affected by glaucoma and it is one of the leading causes of blindness. Known as ‘the silent thief of sight’, glaucoma can progress without symptoms or loss of vision during the early […]

What does an optometrist do?

Your optometrist is your primary healthcare provider regarding your eye health and wellness. In Canada, they’re the eye-care professional responsible for testing your visual acuity and prescribing corrective eyewear such as glasses and contact lenses. According to the BC Doctors of Optometry, your optometrist will: – Provide an optometric eye exam – Examine, assess, measure, […]

Ask yourself, “How are my eyes?”

Take a moment to ask yourself, “How are my eyes?”. How are they feeling? Do you experience eye pain or fatigue? Sensitivity to light? Dry or itchy eyes? Does your family have a history of eye disease? Now ask yourself, “How is my vision?”. Do you experience blurry vision or problems focusing? Maybe the small […]